• This one is tough to swallow, but you need to understand something…life is not fair.  That is a universal truth that we all learn too late in life.  Some of us are born into abject […]

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  • I am beginning to really like British Author George Mack, and this quote is an excellent example of how he sees the world.  I love his insightful and slightly askew look at the world.  For […]

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  • I got a reminder that life isn’t meant to follow the script we all write out in advance.  This is a blog about resiliency… I am an ambitious person; I need to be busy and […]

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  • I thought this was an interesting way to remind you that the perspectives, beliefs and habits you have are the sum total of your life experiences so far.  It is easy to think that most […]

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  • I love this quote from Chris Williamson on the Modern Wisdom Podcast, and I have become a huge fan of his show recently.  The full quote, which is actually from the Rick and Morty cartoon […]

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  • Tis the season for many of you…we are easing into summertime as I write this, which means it is graduation time for a lot of students out there.  Big changes are coming your way, and […]

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  • It is not often that I recommend focusing on the negative, but maybe I should.  And here is why, it can be the most motivating of circumstances.  Allow me to elaborate… It is one thing […]

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  • Mitigate Regret Sounds oversimplified, I know.  But it is true, and I will give several examples below. I am writing this the day after doing a quick talk for a bunch of 8th graders at […]

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  • Although we live in a largely instant gratification world with things like UberEats and Spotify, there are still many things that take time.  This disparity drives some people crazy, but there is very little if […]

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  • Here is something to think about…really think about.  You need to think about it now, because when the time comes that this will apply, you will need to have thought it through already. Tough Times […]

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