Darrin interviewed on ABC 15 Arizona
Quality Time Left. Still one of my favorites, despite the heaviness of this topic. I share some thoughts on time left with the people you love.
Some old school advice still very applicable in today’s modern world. I wish I would have realized this sooner…
Pain is Inevitable, the suffering is up to you. Everything worthwhile has some work and pain behind it. But it is your choice as to whether or not you suffer…
Ignoring the haters and focusing on yourself. Andy Roddick, former #1 tennis player in the world gives a great example of how to shut out the noise…
Learning to see the world in more than one way. You will have a much better chance of success in business and in life if you can learn to widen your focus…
This may not be as obvious as you think… Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part.
In order to reverse this habit, you first need to become aware of it… There are many forms of this, all of which are working against you.
You will have a much better chance of success in business and in life if you can learn to widen your focus…
Sorry to break it to you, but it’s the only way… Make your life easier through discipline and hard work
The KEY to a happy life is simple… Stop putting so much stock in what others (especially people you don’t know) have to say.