Self Optimization
Self Optimization
The habits, patterns, and systems you have in your life dictate your levels of success. It is clear that most successful people have habits that help them achieve the things they are striving for, and they can be installed into your own life as well. Having been in the coaching business for as long as I have, I have developed a process that helps me assist others in streamlining their lives for success.
This is where I come in. As a Self Optimization Coach, I will help you dissect your daily routines and patterns and look for areas of improvement. This will take a variety of forms, including general discussions, some brief questionnaires as well as “shadowing” you in some cases. I know from my own experience how much a good coach can shorten your learning curve, and I aim to assist as many as I can to climb their own hill.
Professional Group Coaching
Ideal for Sales teams, CSRs, Account Managers and more. Program length and content will be customized.
Whether acting as a sounding board for new ideas, mediating differing opinions, revamping your approach to sales or leadership, or streamlining your own processes, drawing from my own experience will help me assist you. In addition to this, I will borrow from all the brains I can, including books, podcasts, interviews and other resources to maximize our approach to aligning you with the goals you wish to reach.
Because every individual is unique, I will treat as such. We will meet to discuss your goals and aspirations and map out a plan of how I can be of assistance.
This can be applied to small groups of individuals, a Sales team, Management team, etc. depending on the need. Because of some of the work involved in a group setting (in Sales for example), a minimum agreement length may be required.
I do not have a set number of sessions needed nor do I require pre-purchase of sessions. This will be a month-to-month agreement, and if you feel I am no longer bringing value to you, we will part ways. HOWEVER, I reserve the right to do the same. I have no interest in working with someone who is not going to execute the game plan we establish. This means I, too, can end our working relationship if you are not putting in the work necessary for improvement.