Blog #489 – Death By a Thousand Papercuts…
The phrase death by a thousand papercuts has been around a while, and its origin is in ancient Chinese culture of which I will spare you the details but here is the link to the
Blog #488 – Upholding the Support of Your Believers
VITAL SKILL ALERT... I can tell you from personal experience as an athlete, coach and business professional, this skill is vital to a successful and happy life. The practice is simple but not easy. It
Blog #487 – Practice your Focus
In a world where focusing on anything for an extended period of time is an ever-diminishing commodity, you can truly separate yourself by learning and practicing your ability to focus. Look around you, so many
Blog #486 – Compared to What?
If you have read any of my other blogs, you have probably seen me mention Tim Ferriss, as I am a huge fan of his books and his podcast. I revisited one recently that struck
Blog #485 – Personal Alchemy…the Art of Conversion
If there is one skill I think more people need to acquire, it is the ability to turn something bad into something good. I have had a lifetime of practice at it so far, and
Blog #484 – Don’t Be Like Me….The Unhappy Silver Medalist
This may sound funny, but it is true, and I know because I lived. Striving to achieve something big, no matter what that may be, comes at a price. It takes work beyond what everyone
Blog #483 – We know about ROI, but what about your Return On Failure?
I am sure most of you have heard the term ROI or Return On Investment. This applies to a lot of different things, including investments themselves. Everyone wants to know "If I invest in this
Blog #482 – I Don’t Care if it is Lonely at the Top…
...because it was lonely at the bottom too. I saw this quote recently and thought that it made a lot of sense. The reality is that for the most part, with the exception of a
Blog #481 – Five Key Things for a Healthy Lifestyle
Let me preface this blog by making the usual and necessary statements that remind you that this is nothing resembling medical advice. As with any lifestyle, dietary, or other change you implement, consult a professional
Blog # 480 – Quality Time Left — Revisited
Quality Time Left -- Revisited This is a revisit to a theme that I bring up on occasion in this blog, and during my public speaking events as well. You have to understand that your
Blog #479 – Is normal really what you want?
nor·mal ˈnȯr-məl. 1. a. : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. Above is the technical definition of the word normal. We throw this around
Blog #478 — Learning to Bear the Unknown
This is a skill that some people need far more than others, but this might be helpful to anyone who reads it. I have had a lot of practice at this, starting a long time
Blog 477 – The Fork in my Mind…tales from the Santiago Trail
I didn't know what I was getting into when I agreed to this adventure. I have spent a lifetime laboring under the assumption that if others can do it, so can I. In most cases,
Blog #476 – Personal Alchemy
Giving credit where credit is due, this title came from the Modern Wisdom podcast and host Chris Williamson. I loved the way he framed this thought, and trust me, this isn't the only one. He
Blog #475 – Domesticate Your Fears…
A TikTok video by Hall of Fame UFC fighter Georges St. Pierre inspired this blog. He was someone I always looked forward to watching, as he was one of the best ever and did it
Blog #474 – Don’t Mistake Activity for Achievement
I spoke with a former trainer of mine the other day and was reminded of something very subtle yet impactful for me. As soon as I heard his voice I flashed back to those days
Blog #473 – A ROSE for You…
No, this is not a gift, an offering for something you did, or a random act of kindness. This ROSE has a different meaning, and this is possibly the most important factor in how your
Blog #472 – No One Knows What They Are Doing…
I ran out of room, as what I wanted the title to read was: No one knows what they are doing, but some people do it anyway. In High School most of us heard from
Blog #471- Pascal’s Wager
This title may not be a familiar thought for many, but the concept probably is, and it is one that applies to many different things in life. You can read the history overview of this
Blog #470 – Pain is the Gatekeeper of Succcess
Oh man, did this one resonate with me when I heard it. It is so true, in our modern world of hyper-accessibility to anything and everything you want, the ability to endure even the slightest
Blog #441 – Who’s Fault? Still Your Problem…
This one is tough to swallow, but you need to understand is not fair. That is a universal truth that we all learn too late in life. Some of us are born into abject
Blog #467 – Adults Don’t Exist
I am beginning to really like British Author George Mack, and this quote is an excellent example of how he sees the world. I love his insightful and slightly askew look at the world. For
Blog #466 – That one stung a little…
I got a reminder that life isn't meant to follow the script we all write out in advance. This is a blog about resiliency... I am an ambitious person; I need to be busy and
Blog #465 – Our Scars are Different…
I thought this was an interesting way to remind you that the perspectives, beliefs and habits you have are the sum total of your life experiences so far. It is easy to think that most
Blog #464 – Your boos mean nothing to me…
I love this quote from Chris Williamson on the Modern Wisdom Podcast, and I have become a huge fan of his show recently. The full quote, which is actually from the Rick and Morty cartoon