Categories: Brain Purgings

by Darrin Schenck


Categories: Brain Purgings

by Darrin Schenck


I went through several jobs in my thirties and into my early forties, the best of which, and the one “do-over” I wish I had, was doing medical sales for J&J DePuy Orthopedics. I loved being in the operating room and watching the doctors do their thing. I got to be a small part of that, tech support basically, for orthopedic procedures.
Anyway, now I am the Vice President of Sales for a telephonic nurse triage company, and have been there since day 1. It’s a long story, and some of my other posts and talks describe this entrepreneurial adventure in much more detail. It has been a struggle, to put it mildly, but we are a real player in our niche industry now, and I am getting more and more chances to speak in my industry. This brings me to the overall plan that has become the new “plan” for my life.
I finally feel confident that I had done enough to be someone with something to contribute. Maybe I was at this point a lot sooner, but in my head, now is the time. My professional career has mirrored my athletic career, and I have managed to achieve a fair amount in each. I have made tons of errors, and gained lots of experience, that I want to share with as many people as I can. I realized not too log ago that I missed my real calling in life, I should have been a college professor. I really enjoy working with that age group and I think some of my experiences could be valuable insight as you embark on your own journey life. I also think that my style of Sales and Management is different than most, and a better, more empathetic approach.
One thing I have learned over the years is this: Public declaration of your goals is one of the best accountability strategies there is. So, in the effort to drink my own Kool-Aid, here’s mine:
I want to be a paid Public Speaker. I want to offer my insights and experience to a wide ranging audience, and will do so through many of the platforms available today. But what I really want is to be on stage, in front of a crowd, sharing what I can to help them shorten their own learning curve.
While I start out on this journey, this time I am not alone this time. Many have come before me and done this same thing, and I am following a well-worn path for a change. I don’t have to learn the hard way, and I don’t have to take the scenic route. I want to be patient, but yet take the most direct path possible to achieving this end goal. And in doing so, I will be impacting as many people as possible along the way.
That is the ultimate goal…give back in exchanged for what I have received.

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