• I am beginning to really like British Author George Mack, and this quote is an excellent example of how he sees the world.  I love his insightful and slightly askew look at the world.  For […]

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  • I got a reminder that life isn’t meant to follow the script we all write out in advance.  This is a blog about resiliency… I am an ambitious person; I need to be busy and […]

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  • Tis the season for many of you…we are easing into summertime as I write this, which means it is graduation time for a lot of students out there.  Big changes are coming your way, and […]

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  • Depending on where you are in life, this may seem like a ridiculous thing to consider.  On the other hand, you may be knee deep in it already.  If it is the latter, please keep […]

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  • The Secret to Life is Freedom.  The Secret to Freedom is Courage. I am a staunch believer in this concept, and I am fortunate enough to say that I know that it is true, as […]

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  • I loved this quote the moment I saw it, and despite having the need to learn this over time, I really identified with it now. “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but […]

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  • I love this quote by the famous Asian warrior and Philosopher Sun Tzu, author of one of my favorite books:  The Art of War.  The full quote reads as this:   When you know both […]

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  • You need to understand, the road of life is paved with flat squirrels….make a decision. One of the worst things you can do is not take action in your life.  Let me break it to […]

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  • You may not have heard this before, so I am going to share a great analogy for facing difficulties in life.  Cows and Buffalo, despite being very similar creatures, face one of their largest challenges […]

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  • The big differences are contained in the small things                                                     […]

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