I thought this was an interesting way to remind you that the perspectives, beliefs and habits you have are the sum total of your life experiences so far. It is easy to think that most […]
I love this quote from Chris Williamson on the Modern Wisdom Podcast, and I have become a huge fan of his show recently. The full quote, which is actually from the Rick and Morty cartoon […]
“Beware those who try to win by muddling the details” Eric Weinstein I caught Eric Weinstein on the Modern Wisdom podcast with Chris Williamson recently and loved this thought of his. He went on in […]
Which Side of the Dunning-Kruger Effect are You? In case you are unfamiliar (with the name at least) Here is a brief definition of each aspect: The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias[2] in which people with limited competence […]
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a paranoid person, nor am I a pessimist. On the contrary, I think being informed and aware of things helps to enhance life and avoid certain issues. […]
Treat Time and Money the same…do not waste either. If you want a recipe for a more difficult life, feel free to waste both of these precious commodities. If you think that the car you […]
Social Media is the Gateway Drug to a lot of Problems. There, I said it. I mean it, I believe it, and I am going to write a blog about it. Buckle up, buttercup, this […]
Please understand, I have had very different viewpoints on wealth and money throughout my life. Don’t feel like you are way off base when you read this, or that one of us has a very […]
This is something I suffered from for a chunk of my life, and oddly enough it really only subsided once I started making some real money. Before, I was busy trying to convince the world […]
You read that correctly, and I’ll say it again. Once you create your own lane, there is no traffic. Now, this is not relegated to coming up with a completely unique business idea that has […]