To say that 2020 has been a struggle would be a gross understatement for many. As fortune as I find myself these days, I am still feeling the affects of the bombardment of social and cultural issues, bad news, and more bad news that the mainstream media and social media are constantly feeding us. I have decided to take a break from the usual perusing of my social media accounts for a bit, as I am just overwhelmed with information that is incorrect, inhumane, or just flat out disturbing or depressing. It’s for my own mental well-being, and I doubt that anyone will notice I am gone. And by gone I don’t mean a permanent check out, I just mean a break from the madness that is social media.
Here’s the thing, as much as I hate to say it, I feel helpless to make much of a change. I am not a racist, have never been a racist, and have a diverse group of friends that would corroborate this. Some want to talk about what is going on, share their viewpoint and opinion, and even try to help me understand what their lives are like not being white. I encourage those conversations, take them very seriously, and listen more than I talk. Outside of this, I just don’t know what else to do, and that feeling in and of itself is bad enough. But when you stack the incessant airing of looting, egregious acts by police officers, egregious acts against police officers, and all of the other crap that is going on right now, it has become too much.
The reason I brought up the Murder Hornets was that for a hot minute this was the latest thing to be worried about. Everyone in the U.S. seemed to be convinced that we were going to be over run by Murder Hornets. The website The Chive was selling Murder Hornet t-shirts for God’s sake! THIS IS SOLELY DUE TO SOCIAL MEDIA. There were like two of these things found in Washington state this year, that’s it. Literally, we are nowhere near anything of concern in regards to these creatures just yet, and people are adding it to the list of things 2020 has thrown at us like it mattered. It didn’t, and it may never matter. Stop buying into everything you read online! You don’t need to know every detail of every single things that happens anywhere all day long. Until recently, the world barely got its news delivered on a weekly basis, let alone minute by minute from around the globe. Oh how I miss those days… Please let me clear a few things up for you right now:
There are no Murder Hornet concerns
Yes, some people are doing some really bad things these days, but just as many or more are doing good things or at least cleaning up the mess from the bad people
SOME of what is happening is necessary. Change is not going to come easy, and in some cases an extreme stance is the only thing that is going to finally prompt action.
Running out of a Target store with a 65″ flatscreen TV has nothing to due with your “cause” or protesting. This is looting, and there is a huge difference.
The world appears to be on fire (metaphorically speaking) but this too shall pass. It always does
Kyle Jenner is not a billionaire…she lied. She lied because she is part of the construct that is the social media world. And guess what, your life is not impacted by that information, or anything else she or the rest of that wretched family does, one bit. Feel free to carry on with your own life.
I don’t understand the underlying agenda of the tribalism and division in the country, and who would benefit from that. I’d like to think that there is an outside force that is stirring up a lot of this, and if we could discover who this is and do a grand reveal, all of it would go away. But it is just as plausible (unfortunately) that there is no hidden agenda, that George Soros is not the puppet master, and that we are just showing our true colors like never before. I don’t choose to believe that; I have seen far too much good in humanity to allow the bad stuff to cancel it out. But the bad stuff, the selfish players, and the hate rings louder and commands more attention that the good stuff, the good people, and the love. I know on a personal level I can be pushed to acts of violence in the name of self defense, and say some pretty awful things when provoked enough. But I control these things in 99.9999% of the time. I don’t apologize for my social behavior often because there is no need for me to do so. I try REALLY hard to conduct myself in a manner than means saying “I’m sorry, I was way out of line” is something most of my friends will never hear me utter.
I don’t like sticking my head in the sand, not taking action or trying to help, but I haven’t come up with any solid answers on what I can do to help. I do plan on donating money and time to one of the major food banks here in Phoenix, as it has been amazing how well they have handles exponential growth in need, and yet served out community so well. But that is not solving any of the world’s problems, that is helping an existing solution to function a little better. It is something, and I guess that is a good step in the right direction. At this point, I am open for suggestions, so if you’ve got any ideas, I am all ears….
You need to set up a filter system against the bombardment of information our lives now contain.
Mainstream media, social media…all of it. The 24 hours a day news cycle was created right after 9/11, but we do not need coverage of every little thing that happens anywhere in the world.
Murder Hornets were practically a lie; they were a small number discovered in the northwest. They are nasty suckers, no doubt, but the are not invading the U.S. Send your t-shirt back to The Chive.
Running out of a looted Target store with a 65″ flatscreen has nothing to do with protesting
Kylie Jenner and the whole fam damily are fake, vapid succubi that are lowering the collective mean IQ of the country. Please just ignore them and maybe they will go away
I wish you luck in your endeavors. And please…be kind to your fellow humans.