Categories: Self Optimization

by Darrin Schenck


Categories: Self Optimization

by Darrin Schenck


So I made a mistake this morning….I looked at my email before I headed to Starbucks to write. I have a set routine that helps me maximize my mornings, and checking email before I arrive at work is NOT one of them.
Someone wrote me a sniping email, basically insulting in its tone, and after reading it I wanted to spike my phone on the floor like I had just scored a touchdown. Instantly my mindset for the day has changed. I am pissed off as I get into my car. The person in front of me is driving to slowly, and I angrily whip around them, only to get stuck at the light. I get to Starbucks, and its packed. I sit down and get set up to start writing, only to see a text message I had missed from a family member asking for assistance with something on short notice. The woman sitting next to me is on her phone have a conversation in an “outside voice” about her dating someone new…his name is Sawyer by the way. Don’t even get me started….
As I opened my laptop to start writing, I saw a reminder that today, more than most days, I needed to see. Let That Shit Go. I had to sit back and laugh; of all the people following my advice, it certainly should be me. I may get that tattooed on my arm. I took a deep, slow breath, held it, and the let it go. I let is ALL go.
Ten minutes later, Starbucks is empty, the phone convo next door has ended and I am back to my usual happy mood. I am not going to let irritations like the ones mentioned above turn my day upside down. I have stuff to do, I have places to go, and I know the world is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it. I don’t want to be in a bad mood. I don’t like being in a bad mood; I have zero poker face and its obvious when I am not my usual cheery self. None of these things has to have an impact on me. If I let it have an impact, my day could get derailed quickly. Here is the reality of it:
It is literally as simple as that. I choose how I react to things, and if I let go of it. I could have been pissed off all day, and things probably would have amplified as the morning went on. I could have been a jerk and yelled at the woman next to me to take her phone call outside. I could sit and pout, not write this blog, and wasted the precious 60 minutes I set aside for this each morning.
I could let it all go. Like I said, within a few moments everything was back to normal. Starbucks is almost empty, I have decided to be in my usual happy mood and write. Nothing catastrophic occurred, it was just the usual stuff that life throws at all of us, all the time. Maybe by sucking it up, not indulging my feelings and giving in to the crap, I can encourage someone else to to the same thing when they read this.
Your mindset is what matters in life. If you want to focus on the bad things in the world, there are plenty of things to see. If you choose to focus on the good, that is what will push its way to the forefront. There is enough of each to go around, only you can decide what you want to focus on. Let that shit go. Do your work, be happy, get things done. This is what sets apart the achievers from everyone else. Not much, other than complaining, gets done with a bad attitude.
Suck it up cupcake… CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY. With a little practice, you may also learn to let it go.

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