by Darrin Schenck


by Darrin Schenck


What are you waiting for?
Regardless of the task at hand or what needs to get done, you just need one word to get you started….
There are no real reasons you can’t accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. Trust me…I’ve done a fair amount and am striving to do more with my time here on Earth. While you are going to go from the couch to the starting QB of the Dallas Cowboys, you can make some major changes in your life and improve your current life.
Need a new job? Get your resume up to date. GO! Get to it, our you are doomed to repeat the mind-numbing cycle of hating your job, being pissed off at your boss, tired at the end of the day. If your job is sucking the life out of you, make a change. GO. You know what you need to do, so go do it.
In a bad relationship? Get out. If the person you are with is no longer supportive and headed the same direction you are, GO. I know that the unknown is scary, but it is really going to be worse than things are now? If you have reached a tipping point where the happy times are outweighed by the bad stuff, it is time to get out. Sleep on a friends couch if you need to, but take the leap and get things moving in the right direction. GO! Millions of others have done it, you can too. I am not asking you to invent the wheel here, I am asking you to follow in the footsteps of literally millions of people before you that have been in a similar situation and have made the changes necessary to improve their lives.
Got fitness goals that you want to reach? GO! Get your ass of that couch, put down the potato chips, and take a walk around the block. If you have let yourself go to the point that you can’t see your feet, or you get winded playing with the kids, GO! Push back from the dinner table and go for a walk. Stop enabling your crappy behavior that has reached the point of being a detriment to your well being. You only get one body, and you should treat it accordingly. Did you know that almost 50% of people who should be on medication of some kind either don’t bother to pick it up at the pharmacy, or do so but them never use the meds as directed? Staggering to think that a solution is literally right there in your hand and you can’t muster the will to unscrew the childproof cap. GO! If you need some pharmacological help with something, do it. Then get your ass off that couch and get to work. Do work you can handle, and make sure you can come back tomorrow or the next day and do it again.
If you have read some of my other blogs, you may have seen me reference the car accident I was in a few years ago. This post covers it in detail, but suffice to say that despite my life’s patterns so far of getting shit done and accomplishing goals I set, this was a wake up call. To the tune of a head on collision with a drunk driver at 70 mph at 5:30AM on a Saturday morning. I was headed to go fishing with my Dad, meeting him up north that morning. The person who hit me was liquored up to the point of driving on the wrong side of the highway more than 12 miles before we “met”. I was lucky, I didn’t suffer any injuries (thank you Toyota!) and I walked away from this crash with literally only a small scar on my left hand. But as I sat there waiting for the paramedics and the tow truck to arrive, I thought about how fortunate I was, and how I needed to take advantage of the good luck I had just experienced. I was determined to not let this thought wear off over time. It was the impetus for me to pursue the public speaking career I always wanted to. It was my GO moment.
I am going to say this one last time, I don’t care want your circumstances are, want barriers you think you have in front of you, get off your ass and GO. Stop taking the easy way out, make shit happen. YOU are the only one who can do that, not me, not your boss, not your mom…YOU. Next time you you feel resistance about doing something that you know you should do, just say this one word you need to hear:
Your life is passing you by, what are you waiting for? Do you need a head on collision to get your attention? Why not skip that part and just GO. Besides, tomorrow is promised to no one, so don’t assume you’ll be as lucky as I was. You may have died in that car accident.
If you had died in that car accident, what would be written on your headstone?

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