by Darrin Schenck


by Darrin Schenck


As we continue to find ourselves sequestered in our homes due to the CoronaVirus issue, I am amazed at when I do check in on social media just how many people are bored while stuck at home.
I realize that many people out there have grown up in a time where everything done online and through your phone leads to expectations of instant gratification. I suffer from it a little myself, as I too, benefit from the same technologies as everyone else. But I guess I am lucky in the fact that being within a month of my 50th birthday I can look back on times in my life when I didn’t have access to all the things we come to rely on these days.
I am perpetually behind in some things that are a perfect fit for times like this:
–books I want to read
I have a stack of physical books and a bunch on my Kindle as well. So much to learn, and usually, so little time…
–Podcasts to catch up on (there are so many good ones these days!)
Joe Rogan, Tim Ferris, Sam Harris, Peter Attia, Ben Greenfield, just to name a few that I swear by
–I have a bedroom that needs repainted
Been putting that one off a long time. Paint, drop clothes, everything else I need is waiting for me in the garage.
–My backyard needs work
Weeds are growing out of control from the rain we’ve had, and I have a sprinkler system that needs dug up or buried better since we had fake grass put in.
–I need to begin work on my own book, as I have a couple of different things I want to write about, and that would help me further my speaking and consulting business.
As you can see, I should be well entertained and occupied for a while. I threw in a couple of physical tasks in on purpose, as the best advice I can give you in times like this is to make sure you stay active. I can listen to the podcasts while I am going the yardwork and/or painting. I limit myself to a 30 minute daily dose of news, as it is the same thing over and over, and too much of anything is bad for you. However, too much bad news is really detrimental to your emotional and mental well being.
Depression can follow boredom closely, and if you feel isolated in these times, you will feel the affects of this sooner rather than later. Call or Facetime some friends, especially the ones you haven’t talked to in a while. Texting is poor substitute for seeing the smiling face of a good friend. It will lift your spirit, and do the same for them. It doesn’t take much to change your attitude, for better or for worse, so be mindful of that and act accordingly.
I would suggest at the bare minimum you should do 20 minutes a day of rigorous physical. Work out in the morning and go for a long walk at night before dark. Believe me, you will feel the benefit of this, as it will help clear your mind and activate your body. If you have read any of my social media posts, you know the Q to do list is longer than just this brief list.
If you are bored, you’re just not trying hard enough…

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