by Darrin Schenck


by Darrin Schenck


…you make a purchase like this. Seriously, think about it, why on Earth would you need a soft plastic sleeve for a half gallon bottle of water that costs you $217.50???
Answer: YOU DON’T!
Stop giving a sh*t what other people think, and blowing money on something as stupid as this kind of crap. You are financing your insecurities, that’s all this is.
If you hang around with a bunch of people who are doing this, you may want to reconsider your circle of friends. I don’t care if you are already rich, stop wasting money on useless crap. Whether you want to look at it from the standpoint of yet another item that is going to end up in a landfill somewhere or around the neck of a sea turtle, or from the sheer idiocy of the financial waste, STOP IT!!!
If you’ve got money like this to waste, how about giving it to your church, your local women’s shelter or the Children’s Hospital nearby. There are so many other worthwhile things to do with your money other than blatantly flaunt your spending habits to the world. Set up a college scholarship program for others if your rolling in cash that you just don’t what to do with it.
In my opinion, there is nothing to be gained from the shameless flaunting of wealth, and God forbid your don’t have the funds to waste but you do it anyway.
Do you have any idea how many people go broke trying to LOOK rich?
It is a sad commentary on the world we live in today, but it is true. People rack up debt driving a car they can’t afford, wearing a watch that would have paid the car off, and throwing money around in the club on Friday night to impress a bunch of people you don’t even know. GET OVER IT…
Now, on the other hand, if you can set up an Amazon reseller account and sell sh*t like this to the people who are shallow enough to make a purchase like this and profit from it, DO IT!!!! It is not your job to educate the stupid people in the world, I’ll try my best to help with that. But if you can profit from this lack of financial awareness and start stacking cash for yourself, by all means have at it. I have done it in the past myself. A couple of different Starbucks cups or tumblers that were seasonal and in high demand, I cleaned out my local Starbucks and listed them on Ebay and OfferUp. I made at least 50% profit on most, and some over 200% above what I paid for them. Yes…for a fricken plastic tumbler that you put water in. Think. About. That…
How did we get here as a society? There have always been the “have’s” and the “have not’s”, and envy comes hand in hand with that. In some ways, I blame the Kardashians. Seriously, anyone who falls victim (in some sense) to that kind of mentality about the world is bound to end up broke in most cases. This family has been a horrible influence on a lot of young women around the world, putting emphasis on all of the trappings of society. At least Kim Kardashian has lobbied on behalf of some people who were wrongly imprisoned, and has even gotten a few people out of jail when they were proven to be wrongly convicted. Then again, someone who’s initial foray into fame and the family fortune was a leaked sex tape that her mother oversaw the distribution of, solely focused on the profitability of this instead of the moral implications and/or exploitation of her own daughter. Seriously, read it here.
Stop spending money on things you can’t really afford. One pair of D&G shades or Louboutins is not going to make you part of the in crowd or more likeable in any way, shape or form. If you are going into debt because of your desire to “fit in”, you need to step back and reevaluate your life priorities. If you lose friends because of the kind of car you drive, those people weren’t real friends anyway. If you continue down that path, you’re gonna find yourself age 28 and $50,000 in credit card debt for things you don’t even wear or use anymore. That’s ridiculous.
Get your head right, learn about money and how it can work for you, or work against you. You need to learn this ASAP in order to avoid these far too common traps that many people fall into. Digging out from under student debt and other “typical” expenses is bad enough, don’t add to it and really make your life tougher. Trust me, been there and down that… I was $70,000 in debt from my Pro Racquetball days, a car I could really afford, student loans and credit card debt. It took a LONG time to get things to where they are now, so learn from my mistakes and don’t wait until you have to repeat my errors.
I wish you luck in your endeavors.

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